Housing Systems: Combating poverty and sustaining tenancies.
Choose from one of our Courses below - just click to see the outline.

We tailor every course we deliver - so the outlines shown are just samples and a starting point for designing the course you need.

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Introduction to Welfare Benefits

This is a great introduction to the welfare benefits system.

It looks at the different types of benefits that make up the system and the way they fit together as well as how the system is being affected by the introduction of Universal Credit.

It will enable learners to be able to complete basic income maximisation checks to ensure their customers are claiming their full entitlements and don't miss out.

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Benefit Essentials when Moving Home

This training gives learners a clearer understanding of how a move impacts on the benefits their customers are claiming and the impact a move has one these. 

It answers some key questions such as: Will the move trigger the need to claim UC? What extra help is available specifically for those moving home? What if they need help with paying the rent for two properties? 

It also examines some of the benefits commonly unclaimed so as to maximise benefit entitlement. 

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Welfare Benefit Update

This training reviews and examines the key Welfare Benefit changes from 2024 and beyond.

Learners will come away from this course completely up to date, being aware of what the current and future 'hot topics' are, and having investigated what the implications are for claimants and housing providers.


More information - click here 

Be Prepared: Current and Future Hot Topics

This training is designed to look at the upcoming topics and changes and how they might affect your customers - and your workload.

The aim is to ‘be prepared’ for the cases you can expect to come across when benefit rules change, so you can plan and be aware of what issues might be coming through your door in the next 6 months. 



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