Housing Systems: Combating poverty and sustaining tenancies.
Constant Attendance Allowance

Constant Attendance Allowance is a disability benefit designed for those claiming Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefit or War Disablement Pension with severe disability that are in need of daily care.

To qualify for CAA the claimant must:

  • be entitled to Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefit, or
  • be entitled to War Disablement Pension, AND

  • require constant attendance because of the relevant ‘loss of faculty’.

How much?


The amount received will depend on the claimant’s extent of disability and the level of attendance needed. The claimant will fall into one of these four bands:


Part time Attendance Allowance £44.35 pw 
Standard Maximum £88.70 pw
Intermediate £133.05 pw
Higher £177.40 pw

Impact on AA, DLA and PIP

If the claimant is entitled to CAA they will not be able to claim Attendance Allowance (AA) as well, however if any AA would be paid at a higher amount than what they receive in CAA, they can be paid a top-up to bring the CAA to the same value. 

In addition to not being able to claim AA (unless payable at a higher rate), CAA would also 'overlap' with the care component of Disability Living Allowance and the daily living component of Personal Independence Payment in the same way.

Be aware that claiming CAA will generally have a positive effect on the claimant’s entitlement to other means-tested benefits such as IB-JSA, IR-ESA, IS, PC, HB and CTS.

How to apply

In industrial injuries cases, CAA entitlement will automatically be assessed during the medical examination for IIDB.

For war pension cases, contact the Service and Personnel and Veterans Agency (SPVA) for claim form WPA 0003 (CAA).

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