Housing Systems: Combating poverty and sustaining tenancies.
How will the DWP know that someone is a 'prisoner'?

We asked the DWP this question: 

Could you tell me if there are, or are planned to be, any formal communication channels set up between UC and prisons as there are between Housing Benefit and prisons? (eg template forms for prison staff to complete to notify prisoner status, expected release date, etc?) If there are such forms would it be possible to have a copy?’

And this is the response we got: 

Universal Credit Live Service has communication channels already set up to confirm:

Prison Admissions:

England & Wales: The Central Prisoners Benefits Action Team (BPBAT) receives details of everyone entering prison from the National Offender Managers Service (NOMS) on a daily basis.

Scotland: the Prison Enquiries Team (PET) receives a list of prisoners on a daily basis from the Scottish Prison Service.

BPBAT and PET check Departmental systems to determine if the prisoner is receiving a DWP benefit. If so, they complete the attached form (one for England & Wales (Annex 1) and one for Scotland (Annex 2) confirming prisoner details, prison location and admission date.

Prison Discharge:

A Universal Credit Agent makes a call to the prison on admission to confirm the prisoner’s expected date of release.

If the expected date of discharge is in less than 6 months then the housing element will continue to be paid direct to the landlord. If the date of discharge is greater than 6 months the UC claim is closed.

NOTE: Different rules apply to prisoners with families.

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