Housing Systems: Combating poverty and sustaining tenancies.
Payments: Why has HB stopped?
HB payments stop for a variety of reasons, the main ones being those given below - click on the links for more information.

Claimed UC

What happens to HB when someone claims UC?

Single to Couple

What happens if the claimant takes on a partner?

 Passport Benefit Sanctioned

What should happen if a claimant's IB-JSA / UC etc has been sanctioned?

Passport benefit Ended

What happens when a 'passport' benefit ends?

Failed to Provide Info

What happens when the claimant fails to provide info requested by the HB Office?

Intervention Issues

What if the claimant fails to respond to an intervention?

Starting Work

What happens to HB when someone starts work?

Non-Dependant Deduction

When would a non-dependant deduction end a HB award?

Not Living in Property

What happens to HB if the claimant is not living in the property?

Savings Increase

When would HB stop if the claimant's savings have increased?


From when would HB end if the claimant dies?

EEA National R2R Issues

When would an EEA national's HB stop?

Re-opening Claim

Could the 'old' claim for HB be re-opened?






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