The HB on the old address (in a different LA area) runs to the end of the benefit week in which the couple move. It could also run for longer to cover up to 4 weeks of the notice period if there was an overlapping liability and the HB Office has accepted that the overlap was unavoidable, and the couple are moving to more suitable accommodation.
See the Tamara and Ben example below.
2. Making an advance claim for HB
Where a Mixed Age Couple will not move into their new address whilst still entitled at their old address (or where they do not want to wait until they have moved before making their claim), they may be able to make an ‘advanced claim’. Housing Benefit (under the State Pension age Regulations) can be claimed up to 17 weeks in advance. (Reg 64(11)).
To make a successful claim for HB, they need to be entitled to HB at their old address on the day they make their claim for their new address. If that claim is made successfully, it does not matter if they are no longer entitled to HB at their old address at the day they become entitled at their new address. So making an ‘advance claim’ can help some ‘protected’ Mixed Age Couples make a new claim for Housing Benefit (under the State Pension age Regulations) where they would not be able to make a normal claim.
But to be classed as an 'advance claim', it will need to be made more than one week before the week in which the claimant's new HB award would start. The Regulations say that if the claimant will not become entitled to HB in the benefit week after it has been submitted – it is an advance claim. But if they will become entitled in the following week, then that claim can be processed straight away, so is not an advance claim.
See Paul and Tim example below.
Note that the new HB Office might refuse to accept the advance HB claim and the claimant might need to go all the way to appeal.
If the overlapping tenancies option does not work either, (and particularly if they would not be entitled to any Universal Credit), it is certainly worth appealing.
See standard letter
What if there is a gap between the tenancies?
If there is a gap between the old tenancy ending and the new one starting, the advance claim can still be made – because the rules for
'protected' Mixed Age Couples work if they are receiving HB (under the State Pension age Regulations) on the day they make their new HB claim. Once that claim is made and accepted it is decided without the need for the MAC to still be a protected couple on the day their HB entitlement actually starts. So, they can still be awarded HB if they have made an advance claim.
So, as soon as they are offered their new tenancy, and whilst they are still living in and getting HB (under the State Pension age Regulations) for their old tenancy, and more than one week before they would be eligible for HB at their new address, the pension age member of a
'protected' Mixed Age Couple can make an advance claim with the new LA HB Office.
(Note though, that if, in the future, they move home again to a different LA area, or their income drops and so they would look to claim Pension Credit, the gap in HB entitlement would mean they would no longer be a protected Mixed Age Couple - as they have not been continuously entitled to HB since May 2019. So they would not be able to make another new HB claim / or make a new claim for Pension Credit.
See the Neha and Mo example below.
What if they fail to make an advance claim for HB?
If there is no ‘overlapping liability’ then they will neither be on Pension Credit nor Housing Benefit (under the State Pension age Regulations) on the day they need to make a claim for help with their rent, and so will have to consider claiming Universal Credit to help them pay it instead.