There can be many reasons why a claimant may be overpaid HB - it may be because they have failed to notify the HB Office of a change in their circumstances, or because the HB Office have made an error when assessing the benefit entitlement which they later need to correct; they also often occur when the claimant moves, or their tenancy ends or they die.
Whatever the cause, overpayments can cause arrears and headaches.
HB Offices tend to try to recover all overpayments - although there are many situations when they shouldn't and they often send an invoice to the landlord in cases where the claimant should be the one to repay it.
When an overpayment arises, there are a number of issues to consider:
Click on the links below to find out more and how to minimise the impact of HB overpayments.
Note that Housing Benefit overpayments can be taken from Universal Credit when the claimant moves onto it.
Click here.
Although 'duplicate' HB is treated as unearned income for UC.
Click here.