Housing Systems: Combating poverty and sustaining tenancies.
Disability Living Allowance for adults is being replaced by Personal Independence Payment.

However, DLA will continue to exist for children under 16 and for DLA claimants who were already 65 when PIP was first introduced on 8th April 2013, who are protected from the changes and will be able to continue to receive DLA provided that they continue to satisfy the disability test.  

Click on the icons below for details about the process of transferring from DLA to PIP; who, when, how and the impact of the change.    

Transfer to PIP?

DLA for most adults is being replaced by PIP, details here.


When can DLA claimants expect to be contacted?


What does the claimant have to do?


Who may lose out and what they can do.


Useful answers here.

Useful Tools