Housing Systems: Combating poverty and sustaining tenancies.
Ten Principles of Adult Learning
Sometimes when you think about training you might wonder why you do various activities, or why
training is planned in a particular way, Hopefully the training provider has taken into consideration
the ways in which adults learn best. Here we outline what we have concluded about this over the
years we have been writing and delivering training.

You learn best when:-

You want to learn - tutors recognise this instantly when faced with attendees either face to face or
via on-line courses - those people who are ‘told’ they need to attend training are usually not as
engaged as those who want to be there and have recognised a training need for themselves.

You are involved in the planning and setting of objectives – at the beginning of any course you
should be asked to take some time to outline what it is you want from the training/courses. This
isn’t always individually possible with E-learning but most good providers will have consulted before
writing courses and will ask for feedback to improve future courses. Feedback is built into every
E-learning training that Housing Systems has in our suite of courses and why we always welcome your comments.

You can see how the learning will help you – that’s why the course objectives should be outlined to show how the learning can be implemented e.g. many of Housing Systems courses are about
spotting when something has gone wrong with a UC claim/award.

You are actively involved in the learning process – No sitting back and just listening! The best courses are ones where you are involved in taking ideas and applying them.

You can relate the learning to your own experience and what you already know – good tutors will always ask for examples from your own work. That’s what brings the training to life seeing how it can be applied in the everyday scenarios you face.

You can immediately apply your learning and use with real-life examples – when users ask
question via advice@ucnotes.co.uk we know our training is stimulating people to think about how it things work in practice.

You can control the pace of your own learning – face to face training moves at the pace dictated by the group, not necessarily by what we have been asked to cram into the session. Equally in E-
learning you can take this at your own individual pace and re-visit sections again if you need to.

You can experience a variety of learning methods – good training builds in case studies, group
discussions, multi-media, observation, self-reflection etc. Good training should never be a lecture!

You can monitor your own progress and get feedback – time should always be taken to consolidate learning by reviewing what has been learnt and then building on it. With E-learning you can monitor your percentage progress through a course to see how much more there is to the course.


If you’re interested in learning something and would like to know more about our different learning options, or if you have some feedback on any course you attended or ideas on how to improve it we want to hear from you email training@ucnotes.co.uk.

"Your training is always excellent - I can't wait for the next course."

"The E-Learning course I took was really engaging packed full of case studies and quizzes to aid learning."