UC LCW1: MR - date 'relevant period' should start
UC LCW1A: MR - date LCWRA should start when terminally ill
UC LCW2: MR - good cause for missing deadline to return UC50
UC LCW3: MR - good cause for not attending WCA medical
UC LCW4: MR - fit for work decision
UC LCW5: Request for income to be set to award 1p whilst being assessed for LCW
UC LCW6: MR - claimant not referred for WCA as previously found fit but relevant change in health
UC LCW7: Request for compensation where payment of LCW/LCWRA delayed
UC LCW8: Request for Work Capability Assessment
UC LCW9: Request for WCA as previous request appears to have been ignored
UC LCW9A: Request for LCWRA Element be back paid due to delay being referred for a WCA
UC LCW10: MR - found to have LCW but should be LCWRA
UC LCW11: Request for UC award to include LCW/LCWRA Element when transferred from 'old-style' ESA which had component
UC LCW12: Request for UC award to include LCW/LCWRA Element when in receipt of 'New-Style' ESA with component
UC LCW13: MR request - Claimant was on Income-Related ESA with component when claimed UC but DWP refusing to include LCW/LCWRA Element as WCA re-assessment overdue
UC LCW14: MR request - Claimant is on Contributory ESA with component when claimed UC but DWP refusing to include LCW/LCWRA Element as WCA re-assessment overdue
UC LCW15: Not in use
UC LCW16: Request to be treated as having LCWRA as pension age claimant on AA, enhanced DL PIP or high rate care DLA and start relevant period
UC LCW17: Request to be treated as having a LCW/LCWRA as pension age claimant on AA, PIP, DLA and include work allowance / childcare costs element
UC LCW18: Request to include LCWRA Element from MAP during which NS-ESA main phase started and entitled to Support Component
UC LCW18A: MR request of decision not to include LCWRA Element from MAP during which NS-ESA main phase started and entitled to Support Component
UC LCW19: Request to include work allowance from MAP during which relevant period started when found to have a LCW/LCWRA