Housing Systems: Combating poverty and sustaining tenancies.
Our FOIs: Universal Credit - Working
Below are a selection of FOIs we have, over the past few years, sent to the DWP with the answers
We hope you find these useful.

Just click on the FOI you are interested in to see the full question and the answer.

Please can you provide guidance/regulations on the means by which a claimant
may provide evidence of child care costs in Full Service UC:

We have been told that the only way these can be provided is by handing them
in at the Job Centre, but this can be very difficult to do if the claimant is in full
time work and/or lives a long way from the nearest Job Centre.

1. Does it have to be the Job Centre closest to the claimant's home or can it
be one that is near their place of work?

DWP Answer: Jobcentres can use their discretion to handle a claim at the most
appropriate Jobcentre.

2. Is it the case that the evidence of child care costs cannot be posted? If
not, why not?

DWP Answer: 2. Support with childcare costs in Universal Credit is given on proof of paid
childcare costs. Currently claimants have to present evidence of their
childcare costs by providing receipts to their work coach. However, if parents
are working or unable to get to the JCP they can agree with their work coach
to send the childcare receipts in to the JCP, provided that the claimant
continues to meet all that they are required to as part of their Claimant

3. Is it the case that they cannot be scanned/photographed and uploaded onto
the online account? If not, why not? (Is this because they could be tampered

DWP Answer: 3. This is correct. There is no current facility for electronic upload of childcare receipts. We are looking to add upload functionality to future builds of the
Universal Credit service, which will allow claimants to upload documents as
evidence of childcare costs.

4. Reg 33 of the UC regs says "(2) The childcare costs condition is only met in
respect of an assessment period if those charges are reported to the
Secretary of State before the end of the assessment period following the
assessment period in which they are paid. "
As the word used is "reported" rather than "evidenced" is it the case that
amount can be reported but the evidence provided after the relevant monthly
assessment period and the child care cost element be paid later?”

DWP Answer: Yes. This is correct. The claimant has to report the costs to their work
coach before the end of the Assessment Period to which the costs are
attributed (not necessarily the Assessment Period in which the costs were
paid). The childcare cost element can be paid later, upon receipt of evidence
for care that was reported in the appropriate assessment period.

Click here to see the original.