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Routes to UC: Managed Migration

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When chosen to be manage migrated over to UC, the claimant will receive a Migration Notice which will give them notice that their legacy benefits are ending and inviting them to make a claim for UC and giving the date on which their legacy benefits are due to end.

In certain circumstances claimants can have this notice cancelled

When chosen to be manage migrated over to UC, the claimant has to actively engage with the process.

They will receive a Migration Notice which will give them notice that their legacy benefits are ending and inviting them to make a claim for UC.

They will need to make a claim UC before the deadline given in the letter. They make that claim in the same way as any other new claimant.

Their legacy benefit/s will be brought to end - either when they make a claim for UC, or if they fail to do so, when the deadline is reached.

Failure to claim UC within the deadlines given will mean losing out.

The DWP are very aware that some claimants may need extra support to make a successful move onto UC - this includes those Income-Related ESA claimants who have failed to make a claim for UC will just a week to go before their Deadline Day.

These claimants will be offered extra support as part the the DWP's Enhanced Support Journey.

When chosen to be manage migrated over to UC, the claimant has to actively engage with the process.

There are important deadlines by which they will need to claim UC to ensure they receive the Transitional Protection they are entitled to and that there is no gap in their benefit entitlements.

Transitional Protection is only available to those who are selected for Managed Migration. Anyone who 'naturally' or 'voluntarily' migrates onto UC (i.e., a change in circumstances triggers the claim or they choose to claim before receiving a Migration Notice) will not get protection if they are worse off financially on UC.

To be entitled the claimant will need to have made an 'in time' claim for UC after receiving a Migration Notice.

Transitional Protection is available in the form of:

  • A Transitional Element - for those worse off on UC at the point of claim, and/or
  • A Transitional Capital Disregard - for 12 Monthly Assessment Periods for those Tax Credit claimants with savings of £16,000 or more, and/or
  • Allowing some students who are receiving one or more legacy benefits, but would otherwise be excluded from UC, to claim it and be treated as though they are a student who can claim UC until their course has finished.

A claimant could receive one or more of these.

When someone has received a Migration Notice inviting them to claim UC, they then have up to 3 months to make that claim. 

They need to consider whether there is a 'best' time for them to claim to maximise their benefit entitlement. Timing can make a big difference to their UC award.

IMPORTANT: For some claimants more than one of the issues that impact on the timing of a claim may affect them. In these cases they need to be aware of all the implications before making a decision when to claim.

There are several things a manage migrating claimant should think about to ensure their on-going UC award is maximised.

There are many differences between the legacy benefit system and Universal Credit, in this section we outline some of the issues claimants need to consider including:

  • Conditionality
  • LCW / LCWRA issues
  • making sure the DWP take account of any complex needs
  • If they are having any deductions from their legacy benefits, what happens to these when they move over to UC
  • Ensuring the amount of their Transitional Element is correct if entitled to one.

Tax Credits are coming to an end. This means that those State Pension age claimants getting Tax Credits will either stay on/be offered Pension Credit and some will be offered Universal Credit as an alternative.

We've developed a suite of useful resources - checklists, calculation sheets, journal entries and more...

See a collection of some frequently asked questions that we get about Managed Migration, along with in depth answers.

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