Housing Systems: Combating poverty and sustaining tenancies.
Is Claiming UC The Best Option? - Conditionality & Sanctions


All Universal Credit claimants have to agree to a claimant commitment. This outlines what they have to do in return for receiving Universal Credit.

Under the UC system many more claimants have 'conditionality' attached to their claim. In particular watch out for:

  • Partners of those on Employment and Support Allowance
  • Lone parents whose youngest child is age 3 or 4
  • Working claimants whose income is below their 'conditionality threshold'. 


If a claimant fails to meet the responsibilities in their claimant commitment, they’ll risk being sanctioned. This means they’ll have their Universal Credit payment cut.

How much this reduces their payment by and for how long depends on what the sanction is for and if they’ve been sanctioned before.

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