Housing Systems: Combating poverty and sustaining tenancies.

Current Problems

What are the current issues for those moving from ESA to UC?

Do they have to claim UC?

Who has to claim Universal Credit when their ESA ends?

How Much UC?

If transferring from ESA to UC how much UC should be paid?

Told WCA overdue?

DWP are wrongly refusing extra benefit where the claimant's WCA is overdue...……..

Still in Assessment Phase?

What should happen if the claimant is in the ESA Assessment Phase when they make a claim for UC?

Trigger for WCA....

When DWP refer someone for a WCA

Challenging Found Fit Decision

When can a UC claimant challenge a ESA decision and what impact on their UC claim will this have?

ESA as income

When will payments of ESA be treated as income for the UC claim?

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