Housing Systems: Combating poverty and sustaining tenancies.
Claims: Who Can Claim

Basic Conditions

To receive an award of Universal Credit the claimant must meet certain basic conditions.
Find out what these are.

Three+ children?

What if the claimant has three or more children - they can now claim...…

SDP Gateway

Protection up to 26th Jan 2021 for those getting the Severe Disability Premium in their legacy benefits

Young People

Special rules for young people age 16 and 17, and care leavers.....


Which students can claim UC?.

In Prison / On Remand?

Which 'prisoners' can claim UC?

People from Abroad

What are the rules for people from abroad?


What if the claimant cannot claim for themselves?More detail in this section.

One Claim per Household

What's meant by there only being one claim per household?

Hot topics

What are the Hot Topics right now?

Many claimants are being told they have to claim UC when this is not the case.

As some claimants are financially worse off on UC it is important that they only claim UC when there is no other option.

Click here for more information.

