Housing Systems: Combating poverty and sustaining tenancies.

HB Overpayments - Minimising impact on rent accounts

Wednesday 20th September 2023 10am-11.30am

Speakers: Jane Crawford and Julia Service

This webinar explores how you can minimise the impact of HB overpayments on rent accounts.

Topics will include:

- When to challenge recovery of an overpayment from the landlord

- How 'underlying entitlement' can reduce a debt - sometimes to nil

- What is an official error overpayment and why can they still be recovered?

- And looks at what should happen if: the claimant abandoned the property, moved onto UC, died.



An essential webinar for those working with rent accounts and/or supporting HB claimants.

Just £35+vat per delegate (multi-ticket discounts available).

Booking now closed.

Comments from previous webinars:

"Very informative and trainers were brilliant, very knowledgeable."

"Excellent Webinar, well structured and the examples are great."