Housing Systems: Combating poverty and sustaining tenancies.
Universal Credit - Managed Migration
Make sure you're ready to help your customers through the  Managed Migration process - choose from one of our courses below.

Whether it is a half day basic overview, a full day looking at Managed Migration from a rent accounts perspective, or a series of more in-depth courses that take a deep dive into the topics benefits advisers need to know, hopefully we have a course that delivers.

Over the next 6 months 400,000 Migration Notices will be sent out, in some cases to claimants who may find the process difficult and confusing. Do the wrong thing at the wrong time and someone could miss out on the much needed Transitional Protection they would have been entitled to.
Front line staff need to have the knowledge to be able to support their customers and help ensure a smooth move over to UC.

We tailor every course we deliver - so the courses/content shown are just samples and a starting point for designing the course you need.


Half day online: £645+vat

Full day online: £1250+vat

Full day face-to-face: £1400+vat

Please note: the above costs are for subscribers, assume no more than 16 delegates, and for face-to-face sessions that a suitable venue is provided.

Contact us for more details: training@ucnotes.co.uk

Any questions? Please email: training@ucnotes.co.uk

"Without a doubt the best UC training I have attended."

"Comprehensive overview of Managed Migration. Those delivering the material were clearly expert and able to communicate the complexity of the regulations in a really accessible way."

"Such an informative session with useful, real life scenarios which make sense!"

"Great insight - not too basic, got to the real nub of practical issues."

"Really helpful in understanding the process and potential issues that we need to look out for."

Great Course
"Really informative 
detailed advice and 
Managed Migration for Customer Service Staff

This half day online Workshop is written with customer service staff in mind.

This training will give an overview of the managed migration process, giving the learners the knowledge they need to spot issues and to make effective referrals to ensure the claimant can get the support they need. Giving hints and tips of what to look out for, and questions that need to be asked at the first point of contact, this course is ideal for the staff on the frontline.





Managed Migration - Half Day Overview

This half day online Workshop explains the migration process and at the different protections available and highlights where things can go wrong.






Managed Migration - Full Day Overview

This one day training session explains the migration process and how claimants can be supported through this process to minimise problems. It also looks at the different protections available and highlights where things can go wrong.

Being a full day course, we take a slower pace and look at case studies to reinforce learning.

Available either online or face-to-face.




Managed Migration for Income Teams

Specifically written for Income Teams, this one day training session takes a look at Managed Migration from a rent accounts perspective. 

Using relevant studies and exercises, with time for Q&A and discussion.

A must for all income/rent teams working with claimants moving onto Universal Credit through the managed migration process.

Available either online or face-to-face.



Managed Migration for those with health problems

This one day training session will investigate managed migration for those with health problems. Content includes:

Key deadlines - and what can be done if they are missed.
Moving from legacy benefits - the 2 week run-ons and the Transitional Element.
The LCW/LCWRA elements - who's entitled and making sure the DWP apply the rules correctly.
Workers - working carers, disabled workers, the work allowance and how earnings are treated.
Housing Costs - common mistakes.

Available either online or face-to-face.


Managed Migration: What's going wrong

This one day training course is for those who have a good understanding of the Managed Migration process and protections available.

It will highlight where claimants are missing out and provide top tips and tactics for minimising problems.

Available either online or face-to-face.


Managed Migration - Getting the Best Result

This two day training takes an in-depth look at the managed migration process to help advisers get the best result for their customers. 

Content includes:

- Transitional Protection and eligibility criteria
- Calculating the Transitional Element
- Timing of the claim
- What's going wrong and putting it right
- Case Studies

Available either online or face-to-face.


How the Transitional Element is Calculated

This full days' training takes an in depth look at how the Transitional Element is worked out.

It takes learners through how DWP work out a claimant's 'total legacy amount' and 'indicative UC amount'.

It highlights the areas where claimants may be missing out and provides hints and tips on maximising an award.

Case studies are used throughout to reinforce learning. 

Available either online or face-to-face.


Managed Migration: The Timing of the Claim

This one day training session takes a detailed look at how the timing of the UC claim can make a big difference.

Learners will explore the various factors to consider that can influence the 'when should I claim' decision.

Learners will come away equipped with the knowledge, hints, and tips they need to offer advice to customers around the timing of their claim to maximise UC entitlement and minimise potential problems.

Available either online or face-to-face.




Managed Migration: The tricky bits through case studies

This one day training session takes a deep dive into some key managed migration issues through case studies. Content includes:

- Transitional Protection and eligibility criteria
- Minimising erosion of the Transitional Element
- Timing of the claim
- Retrospective changes

Learners will come away equipped with the knowledge, hints, and tips they need to offer advice to customers to maximise UC entitlement and minimise potential problems.

Available either online or face-to-face.


Managed Migration: And mixed age couples / pensioners

Available from July 2024 (assumes DWP publish the necessary Amending Regulations in May/June as proposed).