Housing Systems: Combating poverty and sustaining tenancies.

This Conference looked at 'Help with Rent'.
We had a mix of inspirational speakers and a choice of three informative workshops. 
The day was chaired by Peter Barker aka HBanorak. 

This is what delegates have said about the day: 

"I found the day extremely useful, well paced, clear and informative."

"A very good Conference as always."

Please login with your special Conference login - you will then be able to access the presentations below - to download and print off if required. Most of the workshops were pre-recorded so you are able to watch back those you attended or watch the ones you missed.


Plan of the day:
9.30am: Welcome
9.35am: Speaker: What's new in 2023
9.50am: Workshop 1:
Choose from:
1A: Moving Home: Maximising Entitlement and Avoiding Pitfalls

In this workshop we will enable delegates to ensure claimants don’t lose out when moving home.

It will highlight:  

  • who can still get help for the rent on two homes when moving,
  • when moving home doesn't trigger a UC claim,
  • how the UC Transition to HB payment (HB run-on) works and who may be missing out,
  • how timing a UC claim can increase UC entitlement and
  • areas where tenants are being given incorrect advice by HB and DWP - and how to challenge this. 
1B: Spotlight on: Help with rent in Supported Accommodation

UC has introduced an extra layer of complexity for those living in Supported Housing.

This workshop will examine: 

  • how help with rent works for those living in supported housing: when it is HB, when UC,
  • the lesser known rules that apply to UC claimants living in 'specified accommodation':
    • the higher UC work allowance, 
    • special rules for DHPs, and 
  • rules around moving in - ensuring HB paid from the start of tenancy
  • rules around moving on - getting HB for the notice period.

11.05am: Break
11.30am: Workshop 2
Choose from:
2A: UC Housing Element Amount – Problem Areas

Many UC claimants do not have the correct amount of Housing Costs Element included in their UC award and struggle to pay their rent as a result.

This workshop gives delegates the information they need to check a claimant is receiving the correct amount of HCE and if not, how to quickly get it resolved.

Topics include: Bedroom Tax, Housing Costs Contributions, Joint Tenancies and Untidy Tenancies.

And we will also investigate how a claimant can request any missing back payments.

2B: Service Charges - eligibility for UC and HB

This workshop will help you ensure that those who can get help with their services charges are receiving it.

Topics covered will include:

  • How the rules work under HB and UC.
  • Problem areas: Intensive Housing Management.
  • Can Shared owners / Home owners get help?
  • Variable charges.


12.45pm: Lunch
1.45pm: Speaker: UC Who's who & Escalation routes

Jackie Dwyer, Partnership Manager, Department for Works and Pensions will outline the various roles at the DWP linked to a UC claim.


2.00pm: Workshop 3
Choose from:.
3A: UC Housing Element Eligibility – Problem Areas

This workshop highlights the areas where DWP sometimes give poor advice and make wrong decisions about who is entitled to a Housing Costs Element. 

It examines: 

  • Who can be treated as liable for rent and receive help even though they’re not on the tenancy.
  • What should happen to a UC award when the claimant goes to prison or is otherwise away from home.
  • When someone left living in a property can apply for UC and get help with a use and occupation charge. 
  • Can a UC claimant get help with two homes when fleeing violence?

3B: Tools to help

When collecting rent there are many tools that can help.

This workshop investigates some of the lesser known rules around:  

  • Third Party Deductions for rent arrears,
  • UC APA Managed Payments,
  • Discretionary Housing Payments,
  • Deductions from UC.


It also highlights other pots of money that could help.

3.15pm: Break
3.30pm: Speaker: Voluntary Migration

Ian Cory, Welfare Reform Manager, Aster Group who will outline how they help people make the move onto UC.

4.00pm: Q&A Panel
4.30pm: Close