Housing Systems: Combating poverty and sustaining tenancies.
Scottish Job Start Payment
The Job Start Payment is a payment for people who normally live in Scotland, to help  with the costs of starting a new job. 


Who can get a Job Start Payment?
Someone can apply for a Job Start Payment if they:

  • are aged 16 or over and under 25, or under 26 if they are a care leaver (ie formally looked after by the local authority at or beyond their 16th birthday in a foster, residential, secure or formal kinship care placement); and
  • they have received a job offer for a job which will average 12 hours or more a week over a 4 week period; and
  • they normally live in Scotland on the day of the job offer (the job doesn’t have to be in Scotland – they can be moving out of Scotland for the job and still qualify for the Job Start Payment); and
  • they have been out of paid work and on a qualifying benefit (see below) for at least six months. Care leavers just have to be out of work and on a qualifying benefit at the time of the job offer; and
  • they claim within three months of receiving the job offer.


What is a ‘qualifying benefit’?
A ‘qualifying benefit’ means:

  • Universal Credit
  • Income-Based Jobseeker’s Allowance
  • Income-Related Employment and Support Allowance
  • Income Support


How much is the Job Start Payment?
If the application for the Job Start Payment is successful, it is a one-off payment of £314.45, or £503.10 if the applicant is the main carer of a dependent child / children.


How to apply for the Job Start Payment
Applications can be made online or by post - see here for details.


How often can someone get a Job Start Payment?
Job Start Payments can only be made once every 2 years. Therefore, someone can only get another Job Start Payment if it has been more than two years since they last received one.

More info on mygov.scot here.



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